Monday, December 22, 2008

Joy and Equal Rights to the World!

After the Tempe, AZ Light up the Night Vigil I wrangled some of the stragglers (with the help of Michele thank you very much) over to my area where they agreed to participate in the humans4equality blog project.

7th Generation Mormon

A lovely volunteer in red

Hard workin' behind the scenes HERO!

If you would like to join HERO in planning upcoming actions, hear about what's coming up in the Phoenix community, etc. Come on down to Community Church of Hope at 6:30 tonight and every Monday for their town hall meeting. Tonight after HERO, head over to Red Devil on 32nd Street and McDowell for chicken, pizza or some really delicious wings and then next door to Icepics for BINGO before Christmas. Wear your Nightmare Before Christmas gear for the special treatment.

Thank you to all who posed and please, tell your friends!!!

If you would like your photos, videos or words to appear here, please send them to and we will get them up asap! And look back daily to find your photos here.

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